Now days, increasing productivity is the main requirements in production engineering. This is possible by either reducing the operation time or by improving the efficiency of the machine. In the mass production, work pieces are machined simultaneously without any ideal time. This machine operates four hack saws simultaneously at the identical time. In this project the human effort is reduced by automating the hack saw machine, which performs less and easier operations of cutting the wood, metals and plastic materials. In This current research, a scotch yoke (Slotted link) mechanism is used to convert rotary motion of the pulley into the reciprocating motion of the hack saw frame to get the desired cutting action. Additionally, by keeping the Rheostat to the motor, the speed of hack saw frame is controlled according to the type of the work piece, and also the hack saw frame can be attached or removed when the work center is in ideal. Hence, by the four way hacksaw machine, the production rate can be increased and cost of labor also minimized.
Nagaraja, V., & Rajesh, M. (2019). Fabrication of automated four-way hack saw machine by using scotch yoke mechanism. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 6081–6087.
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