CMOS CDBA-Based Inverse Filter Structure

  • et al.
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This paper presents a voltage-mode(VM) tunable multifunction inverse filter configuration employing current differencing buffered amplifiers (CDBA). The presented structure utilizes two CDBAs, two/three capacitors and four/five resistors to realize inverse low pass filter (ILPF), inverse high pass filter (IHPF), inverse band pass filter (IBPF), and inverse band reject filter(IBRF) from the same circuit topology by suitable selection(s) of the branch admittances(s). PSPICE simulations have been performed with 0.18μm TSMC CMOS technology to validate the theory. Some sample experimental results have also been provided using off-the-shelf IC AD844 based CDBA.




Bhagat, R., Bhaskar*, D. R., & Kumar, P. (2020). CMOS CDBA-Based Inverse Filter Structure. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(3), 2226–2231.

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