Higher Education Internationalization: A Peruvian University Experience

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Internationalization in higher education brings several benefits, including improving desirable skills and competencies in future professionals and developing their cultural sensibility and awareness of unknowing behaviors and environments. This strategic process makes it possible and strengthens the production of knowledge. Besides, it is transversal to research, teaching, and extension in a global mindset context. This work presents the internationalization experiences in the Engineering Department of a Private University in Peru. Additionally, we contribute with the 5W+H application analysis method for the planning and scope of the internationalization process. The purpose is to share experiences and disseminate best practices, as well as the lines to follow in the future.




Luna, A., Chong, M., & Djurica, D. (2023). Higher Education Internationalization: A Peruvian University Experience. In EDUNINE 2023 - 7th IEEE World Engineering Education Conference: Reimaging Engineering - Toward the Next Generation of Engineering Education, Merging Technologies in a Connected World, Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. https://doi.org/10.1109/EDUNINE57531.2023.10102851

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