Self-Sustainable off grid Electric Vehicle EV Charging Station with Integration of Renewable Sources

  • et al.
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Electric Vehicles (EV) are the world’s future transport systems. With the rise in pollutions and its effects on the environment, there has been a large scale movetowards electrical vehicles. But the plug point availability for charging is the serious problem faced by the mostof Electric Vehicle consumers. Therefore, there is a definite need to move from the GRID based/connected charging stations to standalone off-grid stations for charging the Electric Vehicles. The objective of this paper is to arrive at the best configuration or mix of the renewable resources and energy storage systems along with conventional Diesel Generator set which together works in offgrid for Electric Vehicle charging. As aconclusion, by utilizing self-sustainable off-grid power generation technology, the availability of EV charging stations in remote localities at affordable price can be made and mainly it reduces burden on the existing electrical infrastructure.




N, P. M., K, V. V., & S, S. M. (2020). Self-Sustainable off grid Electric Vehicle EV Charging Station with Integration of Renewable Sources. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(3), 2669–2674.

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