Wireless Two-Way Restaurant E-menu Food Ordering System with Robot Delivery

  • et al.
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This paper presents the design and implementation of E-restaurant with Robot delivery. It considered as the possible solution for the automation of present food ordering process in restaurants and hotels. The proposed system mainly consists of customer, robotic and maintainer section. The customer can place an order through the tab provided on the table which has the food menu in the restaurant website. This placed order is displayed on the system (PC) at maintainer section. Customer section's website and maintainer section PC's is connected through message queue telemetry protocol (MQTT). Maintainer can dynamically update the e-menu available in website according to availability of food in the restaurant and its prices. Kitchen staff prepares the food and places on the robot’s tray and corresponding table number is selected. The robot is designed using line follower mechanism where it follows the black path laid and it will detect the table using the infrared sensor by counting the number of black patches it encounters while moving on the black path. Once the food is taken by the customer, robot will go back to the maintainer section automatically and waits for another order to be placed. The proposed system removes the language barrier between customer and waiter while ordering and to fasten the food ordering and serving process. It reduces the labor cost for the restaurants and waiting time for the customers.




Kumar D*, M. … Shashikala, Dr. B. N. (2020). Wireless Two-Way Restaurant E-menu Food Ordering System with Robot Delivery. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(8), 820–824. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.h6719.069820

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