One of the main tasks solved at the stage of designing workwear is the choice of materials whose hygienic properties correspond to specific operating conditions. By occupation and depending on climatic conditions, a person can be exposed to various kinds of negative and dangerous influences. Given this, this article is devoted to the study of hygienic properties and the choice of workwear materials for electric power engineers. Analysis production conditions of enterprises of the electric power industry, showed that the presence of distributed electric charges that create electrostatic fields, cause a high electrostatic hazard and negatively affect the human body. The article presents the results of laboratory tests of air permeability, hygroscopicity, moisture conductivity and thermal resistance of materials, gives recommendations for selection optimal thickness of materials for workwear and operation in hot climates. Based on the results of the analysis of works devoted to the development of clothing for hot climatic conditions, the results of thermophysical studies are given.
Pulatova*, S., & Kadirova, S. (2019). Research of Hygienic Properties and Choice of Materials for Workwear at Electricity Industry. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2), 1258–1263.
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