With the ever increasing component of services in a Solar Project, there is a need to do Service Quality studies. With the growing complexities of Engineering – Procurement –Construction (E-P-C) route of Solar Projects, the value of services has climbed up to the present level between 30 to 40 of the project cost, progressively, from a level of 10 to 20%, say 20 to 30 years ago. This situation in turn highlights theplace of a Solar Project in Tangibility Spectrum,[1]which is shifting more towards services and away from Products. Apart from the various Service Quality concepts and Models, SERVQUAL Model[2] by A.Parasuraman et al. and The Gummesson 4Q Model[3] of Offering Quality could be taken up for further surveys and studies, with a view to manage efficiently and effectively, a Solar Project offering. Service Quality is a function of a range of resources and activities. The aim is to establish any variance in how the different stake holders perceived and rated the various dimensions of service quality during thevarious stages of a Project Life Cycle. By developing organization’s own unique service culture and delivering a better quality of service, it should be possible to encourage client loyalty and repeat business.
Sundararajan, S., Sadasivan, K., & Krishnaraj, R. (2019). Service quality aspects of solar project management. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(2 Special Issue 4), 656–658. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijrte.B1130.0782S419
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