Power quality improvement for stable operation in renewable hybrid power system using sapfwith icosф control technique

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Nowadays Power quality is a extremely main issue. Switching actions of power electronics devices draws reactive power, which causes distortion in current waveform, resulting in harmonics which further leads to capacitor failure, resonance problem and power factor performance etc. Therefore the harmonics are eliminated and the reactive power is compensated in the power supply in the grid side. Passive filters were previously used for removal of harmonics, but due to large resonance problem and effect of source impendence on performance it was dropped. In the proposed model, VSI used as Shunt Active Power Filter is proposed to design as per work producing component of basic current of load (ICos☐) for providing to eliminate distortion of a sinusoidal waveform by waveforms of different frequencies and power produced by non-work producing component reparation as requested by reactive load drawn non-sinusoidal current from sinusoidal supply. Control circuit of Voltage Source Inverter provided to improve quality of power is performed for various active functioning conditions under non-linear reactive loads. MATLAB/ Simulink simulation tool is used to obtain this result. The obtained outputs were within the suggested IEEE-519 standard i.e. less than 5% and also the system power factor is almost unity.




Gunasekari, R., Dhanalakshmi, R., & Deepak, A. (2019). Power quality improvement for stable operation in renewable hybrid power system using sapfwith icosф control technique. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 1414–1419. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.L3939.1081219

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