Religion and spirituality in prevention and promotion in mental health

  • Braam A
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The role religion and spirituality (R/S) can play in the promotion and prevention of mental health is not strictly defined, and the influence of culture is probably decisive. Aspects of R/S can be tentatively conceived of as epidemiological factors sometimes associated with better or poorer mental health (as is clear for at least one aspect—that is, religious struggle). Three main targets of prevention are suggested: (1) to consider how R/S may contribute to mental hygiene and educate accordingly, (2) to address religious struggle and positive elements of R/S in people with mental problems, and foster the therapeutic alliance and compliance, and (3) to prevent associated disabilities in those with mental disorders, and consider R/S as a field in need of care, with special attention to how R/S relates to existential concerns and the recovery process.




Braam, A. W. (2021). Religion and spirituality in prevention and promotion in mental health. In Spirituality and Mental Health Across Cultures (pp. 341–360). Oxford University Press.

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