Notice boards are of primary importance in any organization and in places such as bus and railway stations, when a need of for circulating notices arises it becomes tedious job. Thus an electronic notice board is an extremely efficient method of providing messages. It is difficult to update the messages at once. Thus this project focuses on development of a wireless board. This apparatus has the capability of displaying the latest messages using an Android application from a smart phone. This help susintransmitting any message with in a fraction of a second eliminating any delay by simply sending a command which is much efficient compared to any other traditional method of transmitting the message. Thus the proposed technology can be of great utility in many public places such as malls or commercial buildings to enhance the security system and also increase the awareness regarding emergency situations and avoid any possible dangers.
Pandya, A. … Deshpande, A. (2020). Bluetooth Based Electronic Notice Board. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 10(1), 178–181.
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