Three-dimensional (3D) imaging under the condition of weak light and low signal-to-noise ratio is a challenging task. In this paper, a 3D imaging scheme based on time-correlated single-photon counting technology is proposed and demonstrated. The 3D imaging scheme, which is composed of a pulsed laser, a scanning mirror, single-photon detectors, and a time-correlated single-photon counting module, employs time-correlated single-photon counting technology for 3D LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). Aided by the range-gated technology, experiments show that the proposed scheme can image the object when the signal-to-noise ratio is decreased to-13 dB and improve the structural similarity index of imaging results by 10 times. Then we prove the proposed scheme can image the object in three dimensions with a lateral imaging resolution of 512 x 512 and an axial resolution of 4.2 mm in 6.7 s. At last, a high-resolution 3D reconstruction of an object is also achieved by using the photometric stereo algorithm.
Fu, C., Zheng, H., Wang, G., Zhou, Y., Chen, H., He, Y., … Xu, Z. (2020). Three-dimensional imaging via time-correlated single-photon counting. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(6).
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