Polydrug use of tobacco and cannabis: Relationship with self-perceived health and mood state in adolescents in Central Catalonia-DESKcohort Project

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The objective was to estimate the prevalence of polydrug use of tobacco and cannabis and to see its relationship with self-perceived health and mood state in adolescents from Central Catalonia in the 2019-2020 academic year. A cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of 7,319 students, who answered a self-administered questionnaire. The dependent variables were the polydrug use of tobacco and cannabis and polydrug use of tobacco and high-risk cannabis. The main independent variables were self-perceived health status and mood state. Frequencies and percentages were analyzed for the prevalence analysis, and the Chi-square test was used. Poisson regression models were adjusted with robust variance, obtaining Prevalence Ratios. The prevalence of polydrug use of tobacco and cannabis was 3.5% and polydrug use of tobacco and high-risk cannabis was 2.5%. In boys, attending higher academic courses (4th of ESO (aPR: 3.88; 95% CI: 2.14-7.05) vs. CFGM (aPR: 8.67; CI95%: 4.51-16.67), having worse self-perceived health (aPR: 4.79; CI95%: 3.24-7.08) and worse mood state (aPR: 1.47; CI95%: 1.05-2.08) act as factors associated with polydrug use of tobacco and cannabis. The results for girls, and risky use of cannabis follow a similar pattern. Among the main conclusions we observe is that there are no differences in self-perceived health and mood state when comparing polydrug use of tobacco and cannabis and polydrug use of tobacco and high-risk cannabis, so risk reduction strategies must be applied whether the use of cannabis is occasional or problematic.




Codinach-Danés, E., Obradors-Rial, N., González-Casals, H., Bosque-Prous, M., Folch, C., Colom, J., & Espelt, A. (2024). Polydrug use of tobacco and cannabis: Relationship with self-perceived health and mood state in adolescents in Central Catalonia-DESKcohort Project. Adicciones, 36(1), 81–92. https://doi.org/10.20882/adicciones.1716

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