Greening the supply chain practices is essential to all the sectors. Currently the management looking after the construction activities is also highly focusing on this. It is also coined as sustainable supply chain management. The sustainability is an important factor in construction industry rather than any other industries. The present research paper aimed at identifying and creating awareness of green supply chain management in materials and practices implied in Indian construction Industry. Many of the construction companies are not following sustainable practices in their day-to-day activities. There is a lot of scope to implement the sustainable practices, further helps in reducing the carbon emissions in the supply chain and helps to provide the recycling of the materials and thus reduces the wastage. This improves the construction industry economy and environment. The current research aimed at analyzing the strategies related to green supply chain management practices for construction Industry.
Muralidhar, P. (2020). Strategies of Green Supply Chain Practices in Construction Industry. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(3), 3209–3212.
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