This study aims to determine the level of compliance of fishing vessels operations to Malaysian Fisheries Department rules and regulations as well as to identify the reasons of non-compliance among fishermen in Pangkor Island, Perak. The data was collected through the distribution of questionnaire and analysed using descriptive statistical tools. The level of compliance of fishing vessel operations was determined by a five point Likert scale, whilst qualitative statements were grouped into several topics using qualitative content analysis. The reasons for the fishermen’s non-compliance were also identified by using closed-ended and open-ended questions. The outcome of this study can be categorised into several levels of compliance. As for the reasons for non-compliance, the most frequent reason chosen by respondents was lack of trust towards the authorities.
Arof*, A. M., Yusri, N. N. M., … Yajid, A. A. (2019). Level of Compliance of Traditional Fishing Vessels to Fisheries Department Regulations in Pangkor Island. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2), 4585–4589.
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