WSN are the group nodes and these nodes are grouped into several clusters, each cluster has its own CH (Cluster Head). Moreover, each cluster Head collects the data and sends either through the corresponding CH or through the CH. Moreover, the clustering plays one of the eminent role in WSN, since Clustering reduces the energy consumption in the cluster Head and improvises the lifetime and scalability of WSN. However, this maximizes the burden on the CH and certainly, it causes the coverage loss. Hence, in this paper we design a model named as EE-NCT (Energy Efficient model for maximizing the network coverage time) which helps in increasing the Network Coverage time for the non-deterministic model, i.e. Sensor nodes location are not known. Non –deterministic model makes hard to maximize, as the node placement is not known. Moreover, this is achieved through monitoring the sensor node location and applying the routing based clustering scheme. Our model is evaluated by considering the various constraint such as first sensor node death, 75% of node death and loss of connectivity by considering the parameter as energy consumption and average number of failed nodes.
S*, S., Lingareddy, Dr. S. C., & Chitnis, Dr. S. (2019). Energy Efficient Model for Maximizing the Network Coverage Time in Non-Deterministic WSN Model. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2), 27–32.
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