On her shoulders: unpacking domestic work, neo-kinship and social authoritarianism in Peru

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Poorly paid–sometimes unpaid–domestic workers represent one of the few viable options for household and care support in Peru, where the state is weak in its provision of services and protection. I argue that social hierarchies established through the coloniality of power and the coloniality of gender add a layer of complexity to workers´ lived intersectionality of gender, indigeneity, rurality and migration status. It ends up positioning them as inferior in relation to their employers and co-citizens, a situation that is tantamount to social authoritarianism.




Pérez, L. M. (2021). On her shoulders: unpacking domestic work, neo-kinship and social authoritarianism in Peru. Gender, Place and Culture, 28(1), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1080/0966369X.2019.1708273

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