Influence of polymers on the emulsified hydrocarbon liquid and on the surfactant stabilized Toluene/perfluoro-octane emulsions

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Rheological properties of low and high molecular polymers in toluene were studied by measuring the viscosity and the density as a function of mass concentration and temperature. The linear extrapolation of experimental data based on Huggins, Kraemer, Martin, and Schulz-Blaschke equations was used to find the intrinsic viscosity at infinite dilution. The intrinsic viscosity and the interaction constant show extremes within the investigated temperature scale. The power index in Mark-Houwink equation indicate that the high molecular polymers are extended and the low molecular ones more compact. The high molecular polymers stabilize toluene-perfluoro-octane emulsions. The emulsion breakdown and phase separation followed first order kinetics. © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.




Johansson, B., Friman, R., Denifl, P., & Rosenholm, J. B. (2009). Influence of polymers on the emulsified hydrocarbon liquid and on the surfactant stabilized Toluene/perfluoro-octane emulsions. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 30(6), 989–996.

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