Salah satu ancaman cedera yang kerap kali membayangi seseorang dengan aktivitas fisik yang tinggi adalah cedera sendi ankle, cedera sendi ankle umumya merupakan gangguan pada bagian ligamen sendi yang diakibatkan oleh tarikan berlebih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas terapi masase terhadap nyeri gerak dan fungsi gerak sendi ankle pasca cedera ankle. Terapi masase yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah soft tissue release dan deep tissue massage yang dilengkapi dengan reposisi gerak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pre-experimental design dengan metode one-group pre-test – post-test design. Populasi sample penelitian ini adalah pasien Lab/Klinik Terapi Latihan FIK UNY yang selama tiga bulan (Februari – April 2019) diperkirakan sejumlah 100 orang. Teknik sampling data menggunakan insidental sampling dengan rumus Slovin (nilai kritis 20%) sehingga diperoleh subjek sebanyak 20 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa catatan medis hasil dari anamnesa dan pemeriksaan yang dibuat dengan memodifikasi Lower Extremity Functional Scale (Binkley et al, 1999) yang telah di uji validitas menggunakan Pearson correlation dan reliabilitas dengan Cronbach’s Alpha. Nyeri gerak dan fungsi gerak sebelum dan sesudah perlakukan dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji beda dua kelompok berpasangan non- parametrik Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. Data pre dan post ini digunakan dalam uji efektivitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terapi masase yang meliputi pelemasan otot dengan soft tissue release dan deep tissue massage dan ditambah dengan reposisi gerak dapat mengurangi nyeri gerak dan meningkatkan fungsi gerak dari sendi ankle pasca cedera ankle (p < 0,05), dengan efektivitas penurunan nyeri gerak sebesar 70,31% dan peningkatan fungsi gerak sebesar 20,62%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan massage tersebut efektif dalam memperbaiki nyeri gerak dan fungsi ankle paska cedera. EFFECTIVENESS OF MASSAGE THERAPY ON MOTION PAIN AND FUNCTION OF ANKLE JOINTS AFTER ANKLE INJURYAbstractOne of the threat of injury that often overshadows someone with high physical activity is ankle joint injury, ankle joint injury is generally a disruption in the ligament of the joint caused by excessive traction. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of massage therapy for motion pain and ankle joint function after ankle injury. Massage therapy used in this research is soft tissue release and deep tissue massage which is equipped with motion repositioning. This research is a pre-experimental design research with one-group pre-test - post-test design method. The population of this study sample is the patients of the Lab / Clinical Training Clinic of FIK UNY which for an estimated three months (February - April 2019) amounted to 100 people. Data sampling technique used incidental sampling with the Slovin formula (critical value of 20%) to obtain as many as 20 subjects. The instrument used in the form of medical records from the history and examination made by modifying the Lower Extremity Functional Scale (Binkley et al, 1999) that has been tested for validity using Pearson correlation and reliability with Cronbach's Alpha. Motion pain and motion function before and after treatment were analyzed using a two-group non-parametric paired Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. This pre and post data is used in the effectiveness test. The results showed that massage therapy which includes muscle relaxation with soft tissue release and deep tissue massage and coupled with motion repositioning can reduce motion pain and improve motion function of the ankle joint after ankle injury (p <0.05), with the effectiveness of decreasing motion pain by 70.31% and an increase in motion function by 20.62%. It can be concluded that the massage treatment is effective in improving postoperative pain and ankle function.
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