wireless communication systems rely on antennas for signal reception. Proper placement of antennas is important to achieve successful wireless communication according to satellites / transmitters. Manual antenna changes are often risky in a way that usually results in unexpected accidents and can lead to death. To determine its position, the sensors are mounted on the antenna, and the motors change their position. Because the location of a transmitting station changes over time, antenna path must also be changed accordingly. This system will track the location of the antennas and provide new coordinates for the antenna positioning. Correctly position antenna is done by this system. We are therefore proposing an IOT based antenna positioning system that enables antennas to be placed remotely based on IOT. The paper explains how to implement the current and evolving technologies in Antenna Positioning. We can essentially use this device to place antennas respectively in the desired direction using IoT.
G R*, M., Anchan, A., & G, S. (2020). Implementing an IoT based Remotely Controlled Antenna Positioning System. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(6), 730–735. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.f3975.049620
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