Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation over Frontal Eye Fields Mimics Attentional Modulation of Visual Processing

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Attentional control over sensory processing has been linked to neural alpha oscillations and related inhibition of cerebral cortex. Despite the wide consensus on the functional relevance of alpha oscillations for attention, precise neural mechanisms of how alpha oscillations shape perception and how this top-down modulation is implemented in cortical networks remain unclear. Here, we tested the hypothesis that alpha oscillations in frontal eye fields (FEFs) are causally involved in the top-down regulation of visual processing in humans (male and female). We applied sham-controlled, intermittent transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) over bilateral FEF at either 10 Hz (alpha) or 40 Hz (gamma) to manipulate attentional preparation in a visual discrimination task. Under each stimulation condition, we measured psychometric functions for contrast perception and introduced a novel linear mixed modeling approach for statistical control of neurosensory side effects of the electric stimulation. tACS at alpha frequency reduced the slope of the psychometric function, resulting in improved subthreshold and impaired superthreshold contrast perception. Side effects on the psychometric functions were complex and showed large interindividual variability. Controlling for the impact of side effects on the psychometric parameters by using covariates in the linear mixed model analysis reduced this variability and strengthened the perceptual effect. We propose that alpha tACS over FEF mimicked a state of endogenous attention by strengthening a fronto-occipitoparietal network in the alpha band. We speculate that this network modulation enhanced phasic gating in occipitoparietal cortex leading to increased variability of single-trial psychometric thresholds, measurable as a reduction of psychometric slope.




Misselhorn, J., Fiene, M., Radecke, J. O., Engel, A. K., & Schneider, T. R. (2024). Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation over Frontal Eye Fields Mimics Attentional Modulation of Visual Processing. Journal of Neuroscience, 44(25).

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