The purpose of this article is to consider intellectual property as an object of economic crime. In the course of the study, an attempt will be made to identify certain mechanisms and patterns in economic violations, where the object of encroachment is intellectual property. As a result of studying the object of the offense as the main element of its composition in criminal, administrative and civil law, it has been concluded that these violations adversely affect the economic development of the state, as well as the global economy. The article reflects the presence of differences in the concepts of the object of the offense in accordance with the branch of law (civil, administrative and criminal law). Based on Article 147 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the authors make a conclusion on the expediency of attributing offenses, the object of which is intellectual property, to offenses committed in the economic sphere. In conclusion, the authors propose measures to toughen responsibility for economic offenses, the objects of which are intellectual property, since those lead to unfair competition. Particular attention is paid to embezzlement in relation to the result of intellectual work and the intellectual property right.
Turkin, M. M., Savtsova, N. A., Neznamova, A. A., & Shilovskaya, A. L. (2019). The mechanism of classifying intellectual property offenses as economic offenses. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 6094–6097.
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