Evaluation of the vestibular sense and psychological characteristics of highly skilled athletes who specialize in sailing during the competition period

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During the competition period highly skilled athletes who specialize in sailing experience fatigue, which manifests itself in the form of coordination disorders in maintaining balance. Therefore, it is important to determine the level and dynamics of the vestibular sense development, provide forecasts and perform the professional selection of athletes into the team. The research on the biomechanical process of maintaining the vertical posture by athletes in this kind of sport and the relevant psychological characteristics is reduced to establishing a qualitative and quantitative relationship between the coordinating properties of an athlete and their main psychological characteristics.




Abramova, T. F., Stashkevich, S. S., & Nikitina, T. M. (2019). Evaluation of the vestibular sense and psychological characteristics of highly skilled athletes who specialize in sailing during the competition period. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 2473–2476. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.F8556.088619

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