Synthesis of ultra-small platinum, palladium and gold nanoparticles by Shewanella loihica PV-4 electrochemically active biofilms and their enhanced catalytic activities

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Ultra-small nanoparticles (USNPs) of noble metals have a great potential in a variety of applications due to their high surface areas and high reactivity. This work employed electrochemically active biofilms (EABs) composed of a single bacterium strain of Shewanella loihica PV-4 and successfully synthesized USNPs of noble metal Au, Pd, and Pt. The synthesized USNPs had a size range between 2 and 7 nm and exhibited excellent catalytic performance in dye decomposition. The results of this work shine light on the use of EABs in nanoparticle synthesis.




Ahmed, E., Kalathil, S., Shi, L., Alharbi, O., & Wang, P. (2018). Synthesis of ultra-small platinum, palladium and gold nanoparticles by Shewanella loihica PV-4 electrochemically active biofilms and their enhanced catalytic activities. Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, 22(8), 919–929.

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