Renewable Energy based Green Power Generation for Rural Electrification

  • Patil V
  • et al.
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A major challenge for developing countries is access to electricity in rural area for accelerating its growth. There are significant impediment from the utilities to extend either improved service to the rural user or provide extended hours of supply through conventional grid supply. In developing countries, the most significant challenges are technologies used to upgrade and methods for electrification, which results in poor reliability of supply and high distribution losses, leading to hindering both economic and social development, so energy planners have suggested a hybrid energy system for the electrification of rural areas. This study investigates green energy based integrated generation for rural loads. This proposed system can orchestrate with the grid as well as with the renewable energy-based generator. The wind energy has a natural variance, to satisfy the energy demand during the nocturnal and overcast period a complementary renewable energy generator is critical, or an energy storage mechanism is needed to meet the energy demand. This type of pooled exploitation and interconnection is used to improve the reliability and resilience of the grids. The integration of distributed and clean energy resource like wind generation will reduce fossil fuel emissions and provides electricity in areas which are limitedly served by unified electrical infrastructure. Hence, it is expected to develop/modify technologies available for harnessing renewable energy sources. A MATLAB/Simulink is used to build a model for a grid-wind based integrated generation. Results obtained from MATLAB/Simulink are a close match with a practical system.




Patil, V. S., & Kamalapur, G. krishna D. (2019). Renewable Energy based Green Power Generation for Rural Electrification. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 3904–3911.

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