Wireless power transmission for dynamic charging of battery appliances in multipurpose smart solar bag

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As the world is leading towards smartness in all the working aspects with this modernization, smart solar bag which performs many applications has brought a new application specific product in to the society. Smart means intelligent, with the usage of solar energy and wireless charging its smartness raised a step ahead. It is intelligent enough to perform various tasks in our everyday life. It can be user friendly product to students, employee’s and even to military soldiers as well. Arduino UNO is the brain of the solar bag has a capability of controlling multi-tasking features. The power supply for the equipments to be charge will be obtained from solar panel which is fixed in the front portion of the smart bag. The Electromagnetic field detector (RFID) will be used in order to identify the objects kept in the bag using RFID tag so that forgetfulness can be avoided. There will be an emergency buzzer button which will send the location of the victim to the nearest police control room in the case of emergency. There will be a light attached in the bottom left side of the smart bag which will be used as torch light in the night time. There will be another feature used for tracking our phones and bags in case of theft by using Bluetooth and GPS.




Senthil Nayagam, V., & Premalatha, L. (2019). Wireless power transmission for dynamic charging of battery appliances in multipurpose smart solar bag. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(6), 1515–1519. https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.F8145.088619

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