Peridynamic modelling of reinforced concrete structures

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Reinforced concrete structures subjected to loads that cause the formation and propagation of cracks exhibit a behavior where continuum mechanics is no longer applicable, because most conventional models do not consider the discontinuities that appear and propagate because of concrete tension failure. In an effort to correct the shortcomings of continuum models, the peridynamic bond-based model was proposed in 2000 and the peridynamic state-based model in 2007. The micropolar peridynamic model improves the bond-based peridynamic model by allowing different values of the Poisson's ratio. A numerical scheme for the calculation of the micropolar peridynamic stress was developed where results show convergence with classical linear elastic solutions for small values of the material horizon. With this approach, the stress tensor can be analyzed at points in failure zones. Fractures patterns using physical experimentation are obtained and compared with the model.

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Sau, N., Medina-Mendoza, J., & Borbon-Almada, A. C. (2019). Peridynamic modelling of reinforced concrete structures. Engineering Failure Analysis, 103, 266–274.

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