The variables of Debt to Asset Ratio, Net Profit Margin and Current Ratio together or simultaneously have a significant effect on the Dividend Pay out Ratio of the multi media company PT. Surya Citra Media Tbk. The value of R Adjusted Square is 83.92 percent, while the remaining 16.08 percent is explained by other variables outside the study. Debt to Total Assets partially has a positive and significant effect on the Dividend Pay out Ratio with a probability value of 0.0000 and a t-statistic of 5.293692. Net Profit Margin partially has a positive and significant effect on the Dividend Pay out Ratio with a probability value of 0.0006 and a t-statistic of 4.514891. From the results of the study, it was found that the Curent Ratio partially had a positive and significant effect on the Dividend Pay out Ratio with a probability value of 0.0000 and a t-statistic of 9.601240.
Halilintar, M., Brata Manggala, R., & Bernanthos, B. (2022). Determinan Devidend Pay Out Ratio Ratio in Indonesia Case Multi Media Company. Quality - Access to Success, 23(186), 170–174.
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