Fresh, Strength and Durability Characteristics of Binary and Ternary Blended Self Compacting Concrete

  • H. P
  • et al.
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Paper Mineral admixtures being the economical alternatives to Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) for various normal and special concretes induce desirable properties to concrete such as higher flow, low heat of hydration, higher strength gain and enhanced durability. Ground granulated blast furnace slag(GGBFS) being one of the largely used mineral admixture alongside Fly Ash as supplementary cementitious material in concrete contributes to enhanced durability properties and low heat of hydration. Various replacement percentages of GGBS at 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% are used in binary blended Self compacting concrete(SCC) in the present study. At 40% replacement level, SCC exhibited improved workability, strength and durability properties. Alccofine(Ultrafine GGBS) used in ternary blended SCC enhanced early strength gain without affecting workability of SCC to a significant extent.




H., Prof. A. R. B., & Babu, Dr. D. L. V. (2019). Fresh, Strength and Durability Characteristics of Binary and Ternary Blended Self Compacting Concrete. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 3987–3991.

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