Novel method for state space modeling of full bridge converter

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The requirement of converters is increasing with the increase in demand for the power conversion devices. For efficient power conversion, stability and time response of the system must be improved. For improving characteristics a mathematical model of the system must be determined. In this paper, an improvised state space model of full bridge converter is presented which can be used in converter design. This state-space model incorporates the non-idealities of the transformers like discharge time of primary inductance and secondary inductance as well as the wire resistance. The interdependency of the parameters affects the state space model of the converter compared to the ideal modeling. This variation in state space model of the converter has an impact on design of compensator which improves the system efficiency of the converter.




Kulkarni, A., & Kapil, P. N. (2019). Novel method for state space modeling of full bridge converter. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(12), 4421–4426.

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