Cloud computing is an emerging model of business computing. In cloud computing, client can use and retrieve the services anytime by using any smart devices to manage complex computing processes and to access very large data storage. The developers have recognized the required of a multi USER storage system that can help in utilizing the cloud power by enhancing its functionality and improve its performance. In this paper, proposing the architecture of advanced Multi-user storage System which primarily focuses on the price negotiation mechanism between cloud users and providers. This system presents a perfect way for scalable and open systems that are changed dynamically. The model is based on cooperative and collaborative USERs and is managed. Also this architecture is designed to monitor the user’s jobs while they are being processed.
Reddy, P. R. V. S., Vikruthi, S., & Jyothi, E. V. N. (2019). An Advanced Strategy of Multi User Storage System for Cloud Computing. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 2823–2826.
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