Reliable link between the nodes playsvital role during the transmission of data in the routing protocols of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). In this research paper, a routing protocol Link named Expiration Time based Routing Protocol (LETSRP)is proposed which uses Winternitz One-time Signature Scheme to checkthe authentication of transmitted data in the network. The packet sending node calculates maximum LET (MaxLET), minimum LET (MinLET) and average LET (AvgLET) using greedy algorithm in our proposed solution. The number of sent packets dependson the available bandwidth. Various steps in implementation are repeated until all the packets reach the destination node. Simulations are done with variable number of nodes between10-20 nodes with mobility setting from 10 m/s to 20 m/s.
Singh, G., Rohil, H., Rishi, R., & Ranga, V. (2019). LETSRP: A secure routing protocol for Manets. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(1), 498–504.
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