This study aime d to query occupational therapy educators in pr ofessional programs in the U nited States about the amoun t of time spe nt addressing sexual activity and the t ype and depth of e ducation related to sexual activity. The s tudy aim s to infor m educators about ho w sexual activity is taught. A cross-sectional survey research design was used with both clos ed- and ope n-ended questions. A total of 51 e ducators participated. An average of 3.5 hr w as spent teaching sexual activity. Many of the p articipants were comfor table teaching sexual activity. However, some reported that sexual activity was often an overlooked topic in oc cupational therapy curriculum a nd was not e mphasized as m uch as othe r activities of daily living. In addition, participants reported that the unde r emphasis of teaching sexuality may be due t o a lack of e ducational background, the br oadness of the t opic, discomfor t of the s tudents, and a lack of infor mation in t extbooks. Most of the p articipants are comfor table teaching sexual activity and believe that it is an impor tant topic in occupational therapy curriculum. However, many consider it an overlooked topic specifically with chr onic conditions and sexually transmitted infections. Therefore, educating instructors on sexual activity and pedagogical me thods will enhance occupational therapy curriculum.
Lohman, H. L., Kobrin, A., & Chang, W.-P. (2017). Exploring the Activity of Daily Living of Sexual Activity: A Survey in Occupational Therapy Education. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 5(2).
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