Technological infrastructure and data access in police districts: An evaluation of the ICTs use against crime in Lima, Peru

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Purpose - With the rapid growth of cities, the functions of the police have been affected. The increase in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), backed by access to a large amount of public and police information, represents an opportunity for improving the fight against crime and to manage time more efficiently. Methodology/approach/design - This paper analyzes the role played by ICT as tools for reducing crime in the city of Lima (Peru). Findings - The results obtained show that a better level of ICT infrastructure and greater access to information sources through the Internet in police stations discourages the level of crime. Practical implications - In addition, these better levels of ICT presence in police stations generate a higher level of interaction and exchange of data and information between neighboring police stations.




Lluncor, D. A., & Sánchez, J. M. (2019). Technological infrastructure and data access in police districts: An evaluation of the ICTs use against crime in Lima, Peru. Revista de Direito, Estado e Telecomunicacoes, 11(1), 63–78.

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