Integrated CCTV Surveillance System for Public Transportation

  • et al.
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The urban center residential district Railway is one in every of the busiest railway stations in Bharat and carries over seven.5 million commuters daily. The railways spreads over 123.78 km (76.91 mi).The Railways encompass thirty-nine stations. Trains typically begin from and terminate at necessary stations. in line with a survey ,the total stats given by the RPF(Railway Police Force) & GRP(GOVERNMENT RAILWAY POLICE), 2,700 railway commuters killed, over 1,400 whereas crossing tracks up until last and this variety has been increasing daily. This is creating railways a dangerous possibility for travel and transportation. The video closed-circuit television used is irving to be not useful and not updated. To overcome this drawback we tend to area unit creating associate integrated video closed-circuit television for detection of crimes and missed objects and explains during this paper.We area unit exploitation high resolution cameras which might focus and might be simply accustomed establish someone and can also be helpful in dark.




Vibhakar, D., Jha, S., … Suman, S. (2021). Integrated CCTV Surveillance System for Public Transportation. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 10(3), 30–33.

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