Properties of concrete using eggshell powder and glass powder as a cement replacement

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The point of this undertaking is to forestall the contamination in the earth caused because of ill-advised transfer of the eggshell waste and glass powder by utilizing it as an added substance material in type of cinder or powder in ordinary cement of M25 level since it is utilized typically in the building destinations.This venture focuses on blend structure, material testing of element of cement, for example, concrete, fine total, coarse total and eggshell powder (ESP)and glass powder (GP). Solid 3D shapes with different preliminary rates of eggshell powder and glass powder were thrown. The glass powder and eggshell powder contains silica and calcium separately which thus contributes in calcium - silicate gel development offering raise to the great security quality between the totals and concrete glue. In this examination, the glass powder and egg shell powder were utilized at 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% individually. The test outcomes acquired shows compelling quality increment at 10% substitution of ESP and GP.




Arunya, A., Thendral, S., & Chitra, R. (2019). Properties of concrete using eggshell powder and glass powder as a cement replacement. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8(9 Special Issue 3), 808–810.

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