Solid Waste Management Packaging Pesticides in Agricultural Fields

  • et al.
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The main objective is to know the findings of farmers and competent authorities on solid waste management packaging of pesticides in agricultural fields. This research is descriptive character of non-experimental quantitative approach, where a survey was applied to 30 producersagricultural, based on 18 items, which grow crops ofvegetables, sweet potatoes, corn, and asparagus. located in the Town Center Agua Dulce, 4 km from the district of San Vicente province of Cañete, Lima region, Peru, in an area of 200.83 ha. Result Review producers considerpollution and climate change are increased effect of solid waste packaging pesticides in agricultural fields. And it concludeswhich should promote training strategies and achieve decrease that plastics are thrown into agricultural fields and irrigation canals which then finally spreads into the sea, management should be led by the authority in strategic alliance with commercial houses chemical inputsIn coordination with farmers.




B.*, Dr. C.-S. … Zuñiga, Mg. M.-. (2020). Solid Waste Management Packaging Pesticides in Agricultural Fields. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 9(1), 710–713.

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