Influence of Artificial Aging on the Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of ADC12 Alloy-B4C-Rice Husk Ash Particulates Reinforced Hybrid Composites

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The influence of artificial aging on the wear behavior of ADC12 alloy reinforced with Boron carbide (B4C) and Rice Husk Ash (RHA) composites have been investigated. Hybrid composites with 5 wt. % of B4C fortification constant and variable quantity of rice husk ash particles in steps of 9 and 12 wt. % in the ADC12 alloy prepared by melt stir process. ADC12 aluminium alloy, ADC12 alloy-5 wt. % B4C-9 wt. % RHA and ADC12 alloy-5 wt. % B4C-12 wt. % RHA Samples were solutionized at a temperature of 525˚C for 1 h. Further, these solution heat treated samples were artificially aged at the temperature of 175˚C for 10 h. Microstructural characterization was carried out by using SEM and EDS. A pin-on-disc wear testing machine was utilized to assess the wear loss of specimens, in which a solidified EN32 steel plate was utilized as the counter face. Wear tests were accompanied on ADC12 alloy, ADC12 alloy-5 wt. % B4C-9 wt. % RHA and ADC12 alloy-5 wt. % B4C-12 wt. % RHA hybrid composites at varying loads of 10 N, 20 N and 30 N with varying sliding distances of 250 rpm, 500 rpm and 750 rpm for constant sliding distance of 1000 m. The wear resistance of ADC12 alloy enriched with the accumulation of B4C and RHA particulates. Further, heat treated samples were exhibited the superior wear resistance as compared to the base alloy and un-heat treated samples.




Mohan*, R. M., Kempaiah, U. N., & Nagaral, M. (2020). Influence of Artificial Aging on the Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of ADC12 Alloy-B4C-Rice Husk Ash Particulates Reinforced Hybrid Composites. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(6), 1367–1372.

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