This paper discussed the properties of styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) latex modified concrete. The latex modified concrete using SBR latex were prepared with various polymer-binderratios and tested for compressive strength, flexure strength, elastic modulus and rapid chloride penetration test. Latex contents were varied as 5, 10 and 15 percentages by mass of binder (cement and silica fume). The effect of the polymer-binder ratio on the properties of latex modified concrete was examined. It was concluded from the test results that the compressive strength and elastic modulus decrease with polymer binder ratio and flexural strength increasing with polymer binder ratio. Addition of latex reduces the chloride ion penetration due to latex film formation..
Palson*, P., & Vidivelli, Dr. B. (2020). Strength and Durability of Styrene Butadiene Latex Modified Concrete with Silica Fume. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(5), 2119–2125.
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