Language Teaching, Language Learning, and Virtual Exchange in an Age of Complexity

  • Dooly M
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As the introduction to this special issue on virtual exchange (VE), this paper presents a glimpse back at the development of VE through the lens of the central definitions that have been historically associated with VE and how these have had an impact on the evolution of VE practice and research. Next, the role of intercultural competence (IC) is discussed. IC is a prominent aspect of VE in foreign language education and also emerges as a primary topic in the articles in this special issue. Given that VE is most commonly identified within formal education contexts, the article then foregrounds recent debate on whether VE is an educational approach or method and how this may impact teacher education. Finally, looking forward, the text outlines the importance of VE for upcoming generations and how VE might keep pace with anticipated technological advances.




Dooly, M. (2023). Language Teaching, Language Learning, and Virtual Exchange in an Age of Complexity. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 12(3), 1–18.

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