Customer preference towards online shopping of organic food products in Coimbatore district

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In today’s scenario, online shopping is playing an important role in the life of human because time is precious for every people. People have become very busy in their work and they are unable to make their shopping daily. In this article we are going to discuss regarding the preference of organic food products through online shopping (Basha, 2014). Awareness of organic products has been increasing steadily and Consumers are started to prefer organic food products because they are healthy, safety and environmental friendly (Brijesh Sivathanu, 2015). Consumer of organic food products are willing to purchase organic products through online shopping due to the time and travel constraints (Ramesh, 2015). In this paper the researcher has collected the sample size of 80 and tools used for the analysis are percentage analysis, chi-square analysis and Anova. The result of the study is found that the consumers are purchasing the organic food products through online shopping, especially for the health purpose.




Mohanraj, M., Sureshkumar, J., & Jaganathan, A. T. (2019). Customer preference towards online shopping of organic food products in Coimbatore district. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 6381–6384.

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