Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity and Rainwater Resistance of the Stabilized Mound Soil with Cement

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This study is the result of experimental work in the field thermal of buildings. The study focuses on mounds termite’s clays. In this study a thermal analysis by the measurement of the thermal conductivity and the thermal resistance is carried out. This approach to determining the characteristics of materials has led to a better understanding of the possible choice of local building materials available in Chad. The estimation of thermal parameters of building materials plays a key role in a large number of scientific and industrial fields. Our choice has been focused on the termite mound soil which is currently of interest as a result of availability, energy crisis and that of housing.Unlike cement concrete, thé soil has long been used as a building material with practically many environmental benefits and considerable energy savings. The results obtained showed that the materials we used have a appreciable thermal properties. Brick from naturally occurring mound termite soil has better thermal resistance than brick made from mound termite soil, which means it is worked in advance. The influence of density on thermal resistance has been demonstrated. The stabilization of the cement reinforced the structure of the material and its resistance to erosion of the rain water.




Mahamat, A. D., Abakar, A., … Mahamat, A. B. (2019). Measurement of the Thermal Conductivity and Rainwater Resistance of the Stabilized Mound Soil with Cement. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9(2), 3174–3179.

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