An Inkjet-Printed Piezoresistive Bidirectional Flow Sensor

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This work reports the fabrication of a titanium carbide nanoparticle-based inkjet printed flexible bidirectional flow sensor. The design of the flow sensor consists of an inkjet printed titanium carbide piezoresistive strain gauge on a polyester cantilever. The sensors demonstrated a normalized flow sensitivity of 1.043/(ms-1) in the velocity range 0.15 - 0.55 m/s (for water flow). The fabrication method reported in this work potentially opens a new direction for fabrication of a class of robust, repeatable, and inexpensive flexible flow sensors.




Sengupta, D., Birudula, S., Wortche, H. J., & Prakash Kottapalli, A. G. (2022). An Inkjet-Printed Piezoresistive Bidirectional Flow Sensor. In Proceedings of IEEE Sensors (Vol. 2022-October). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

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