The article provides a comparative analysis of the terms "terrorism" and "terrorist act". In order to bring the harm-doers to civil liability, the authors suggest introducing a broader concept of an "act of terrorism". The current legislation provides for various types of liability for harm caused to victims of terrorism. However, civil liability offers a clear list of specific subjects of such liability. For victims to successfully exercise their right to compensation for harm, the authors suggest consistent use of the concepts of "damage", "loss", and "harm". In the research, the authors have answered the following basic question: when and on what grounds the person causing harm to the victims may be held liable for harm caused by a terrorist act. Another question answered was as follows: the existence of what conditions gives rise to such liability.
Volkova, M. A., Turkin, M. M., Kuleshov, G. N., & Bogmatsera, E. V. (2019). Correlation of the concepts of “terrorism”, “terrorist act”, and “act of terrorism” in obligations in the law of tort. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 7166–7170.
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