Therole of Metasomatic Breeds in Ore Bodies Forecasting to Depth (Beshkuduk)

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Hydrothermal mineralization in the deposit has a wide development. It occurs itself in three stages: pre-ore, ore and post-ore. In the pre-ore phase, quartz-albite-sericite-chlorite metasomatitesoccurred. In the ore stage, two stages are distinguished: the earlier quartz-pyrite-arsenopyrite stage with gold and quartz - the bleachers association. The minerals of these stages are confined to tectonic troublesome zones, zones of vein silicification, quartz and shale breccias. In the placement of products of hydrothermal metasomatism, a certain horizontal zonality is detected. There is a consistent sequential change of zones with distance from the quartz veins and faults.




Zakirovich*, S., Omonovich, J. B., … Tulkunovna, R. N. (2019). Therole of Metasomatic Breeds in Ore Bodies Forecasting to Depth (Beshkuduk). International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2), 2828–2830.

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