The Relationship of Oil Pollution Sources, Consequences and Control towards Marine Life at Teluk Rubiah, Perak, Malaysia

  • et al.
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This research focuses to study on the oil pollution sources and consequences towards the marine life. The scope of the research was conducted at Teluk Rubiah, Perak, Malaysia. This research has analyzed the hierarchy of the sources, the consequences and the control of the oil spill towards the marine life. The element of sources were breakage of oil tanker (oil ships), oil pipe leakage and drilling activities. For the consequences covers on the damage to ecosystem, damage to society and damaging to marine biodiversity. Meanwhile, for the control of the oil spill covers the trained employees, the competent disaster management plan and the regular inspection of oil sites and methods of clean-up. A technique of questionnaire survey has remained pragmatic in this research and has established 117 sets of questionnaires from the embattled respondents situated at the Teluk Rubiah, Perak, Malaysia. The closed ended questions encompassed of the demographical contextual of the respondents, elements of sources, consequences and the control of the oil pollution. The descriptive and frequency analysis and multiple regression have been applied for the data analysis. The finding has designated that the element of control towards the oil spill are significantly correlated towards the marine life.




Ishak*, I. C., Lazim, M. I. M., … Ismail, S. B. (2019). The Relationship of Oil Pollution Sources, Consequences and Control towards Marine Life at Teluk Rubiah, Perak, Malaysia. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2), 4545–4549.

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