Productivity Metric Estimation: Comprehensive Examine of Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value Based Metrics

  • Kaur* H
  • et al.
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The successful software project estimation is critically dependent upon measurement of productivity. The overall goal of productivity metric is to improve the ability and performance of information system evaluation as well as maintenance, moreover determine the performance of the information technology (IT) performance in business applications. The activities corresponding to productivity metrics vary at distinct management levels. The activities used within project management leads to dynamic framework that could be opted in changing or dynamic environments. At the project management level, productivities activities concentrates on effectiveness. For instance, during estimation of effort required to reproduce a system, assumption must be manufacture regarding the ability that could lead to successful development of software project and this is fetched from past projects. This paper focuses on identifying the productivity metrics that are essential and appropriate for project management process.




Kaur*, H., & Saini, M. (2019). Productivity Metric Estimation: Comprehensive Examine of Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value Based Metrics. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(2), 5042–5049.

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