In the present work, thermo physical properties of different base fluids (Water, Ethylene Glycol, Propylene Glycol) by suspending various concentrations of copper nanoparticle was evaluated. Initially copper based nanofluid was prepared by two-step method and the concentration of copper nanoparticle was varied at 0.15, 0.2, 0.25 and 0.3 volume. %. The effect of copper nanoparticle concentration on thermo physical properties was evaluated. The result shows that the density, thermal conductivity and viscosity of all the chosen base fluids (Water, Ethylene Glycol, and Propylene Glycol) were increased; however the specific heat of these base fluids decreases while increasing the copper nanoparticle concentration.
Manikandan*, Dr. A. S. P., Balasubramani, R., … Baskar, Dr. R. (2019). Impact of Copper Nanoparticle Addition on Thermo Physical Properties of Different Base Fluids. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 4192–4195.
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