Educational Interventions for Newly Diagnosed Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Scoping Review

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The latest consensus standards for patients with inflammatory bowel disease published by the European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation conclude that optimizing quality of care in inflammatory bowel disease involves information and education after diagnosis. A scoping review was performed to identify educational interventions in newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease patients. A systematic literature search was conducted using five databases and gray literature. Inclusion criteria were studies with at least one group of patients whom were less than 2 years from their initial inflammatory bowel disease diagnosis. The review process initially identified 447 articles, resulting in four relevant studies: three randomized controlled trials and one pre-/post-test. Only one study exclusively included newly diagnosed inflammatory bowel disease patients. All studies included a multidisciplinary assessment and three were based on a group intervention, but none of them was described in enough detail to be replicated. The content was the same for all patients regardless of the time elapsed since diagnosis. Education of newly diagnosed patients does not seem to be a priority given the lack of publications meeting our criteria despite the evidence of their need. Interventions and outcomes are heterogeneous. Interventions did not consider patient needs and suggest that they centered more on the professional than on the patient. More evidence is clearly needed about this topic.




Navarro-Correal, E., Ibarz, A., Basagaña-Farres, M., Feijoo-Cid, M., Espart, A., & Selva, L. (2023). Educational Interventions for Newly Diagnosed Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Scoping Review. Gastroenterology Nursing, 46(1), 30–40.

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