This paper deals with the indirect rotor field-oriented control of asynchronous motor whose speed is controlled by a fuzzy self-adjustable proportional integral controller. This motor drive is used to propel an electric vehicle. The designing and the implementing of the fuzzy self-adjustable proportional integral controller are presented. This controller is proposed as a solution to compensate for the effect of the machine parameters variation and the external conditions. The characteristic of this controller is its capacity to adapt in real time its gains in order to reject the machine parameters disturbances. A series of measurements has been achieved to prove the performances of the improved drive using the proposed controller. Experimental results showed the high-speed tracking and the rejection disturbances capacity of the fuzzy self-adjustable proportional integral controller.
Laoufi, C., Abbou, A., Akherraz, M., & Sadoune, Z. (2019). dSPACE implementation of improved indirect rotor field-oriented control of asynchronous motor using fuzzy self-adjustable proportional integral controller for electric vehicle applications. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 9(1), 2841–2847.
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