Smart and inexpensive implementation of garbage disposal system for smart cities

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With the growth in urbanization and consumption of resources the problem of trash and waste production has also gone up. This is becoming a cause of concern and especially in developing countries where there are no or very less efficient waste management systems in place. Due to the problem of littering and inefficient garbage disposal systems overflow of garbage is common which leads to air and land pollution. The systems currently in-place in developing countries are not efficient and garbage collection trucks have no way to get the real-time information of garbage cans and because of the wide span of a city many garbage cans remain empty and others don't get collected thus it leads to overflow. The goal of this project is to solve the problem of overflowing of garbage, littering, and inefficient garbage disposal systems with the help of device created using the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide efficient routes and trash separation, thus reducing the cost and increasing time efficiency. The device will also help in separating the metallic and non-metallic waste into separate bins, further considering the most filled garbage bins and providing an efficient route with their locations.




Sharma, S., Chauhan, V., & Jain, A. (2019). Smart and inexpensive implementation of garbage disposal system for smart cities. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 8(3), 3220–3224.

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